we're still inside the san agustin church, and right now you're looking through on one of its "forbidden" chambers. this chamber is on the right side facing the altar, it drawn me because of its beautiful gate and the way the sun shine reflect what's inside. i was very tempted to go inside but the warning on the gate strictly prohibits a "tourist" to go inside. i dont consider myself a tourist, i'm one of their locals, but when you go around the place taking photorgaphs... i guess they can say that you're tourist enough. the gate was slightly ajar and the church was empty but i didnt dare break a law inside the house of god... so i just contented myself peeking through centuries ago... years before the devastating war... i'm just so glad that the war didnt destroyed this church.
tomorrow i'll show the enchanting gate of this "forbidden" chamber.
comme tous les photographes, nous n'aimons pas l'interdit et essayons de mettre notre APN un peu partout ;o). Le probleme etant de ne pas faire de bruit quand on prend la photo en sauvage
like all the photographers, we do not like the interdict and try to put our APN a little everywhere ;O). The problem being not to make noise when the photograph as a savage is taken
Nice photos and its very interesting to see your locality. Thanks.
I'm enjoying your tour... glad that you took this photo to show us.
The choice of using the peephole gives the chamber a forbidden, magic and almost mystic atmosphere. I like the perspective too.
This is a great shoot and I totally agree with Carlos when he says that this peephole gives a forbidden and mystic atmoshpere!
Love this photo. That is great how the hole looks like your looking into a secret to see this.
I love your series on San Aguistin church - great attention to details!
Are you happy with the new mayor, Alfredo Lim?
Thanks for taking us into the inner sanctum... the forbiden zone
hi all thanks for visiting
to isabella: i'd say yes, mayor lim has been a good mayor before, he'll bring back the law and order in the city, though i must admit that its sad to see mayor atienza leave the post since he's behing the beautification of manila.. hope everything will turn out well. thanks
this is wonderful. I can feel the Spanish style in it very much..
you've found a great way to show us the forbiden areas..really worth it!
I like the tour - always interesting viewpoints and angles
I like the way you took this photo. It conveys perfectly how you were peeking through the door.
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