I didn't know that there is such a thing as the smiling moon phenomenon which happens every 48 years, and boy i am so glad that i look up and saw it! "“Astronomers say Venus and Jupiter and a crescent moon will form a smiley face tonight, with the planets forming the eyes and the moon forming the mouth. Venus and Jupiter have appeared side by side in the evening sky over the last week or so, but tonight will be the best night to see the “face” appear." Ambo even encouraged you guys to look up in the sky :)
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
smiling moon
I didn't know that there is such a thing as the smiling moon phenomenon which happens every 48 years, and boy i am so glad that i look up and saw it! "“Astronomers say Venus and Jupiter and a crescent moon will form a smiley face tonight, with the planets forming the eyes and the moon forming the mouth. Venus and Jupiter have appeared side by side in the evening sky over the last week or so, but tonight will be the best night to see the “face” appear." Ambo even encouraged you guys to look up in the sky :)
A very lovely sight indeed, thrilliling to witness, its really sad that i won't ever see it again as i am sick
Nice picture, I think I got the smile upside down in my post.
Amazing, I saw the same thing that you captured with you camera in Southern California!
A message to Anomymous - I hope you get well, but if it is any consolation...most of us who are, either healthy or sick, will not see it again. Forty eight years is a looong time by any standard measure of Time, except astronomical.
Nice, it's great that you caught it :) I, on the other hand, didn't even see it. :(
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