I'm a firm believer that breakfast is the best meal of the day so i always make sure to have a heavy breakfast and my typical morning food consist of rice and ulam and of course a cup of coffee. My photo shows fried rice with egg, danggit, corned beef, longanisa, chicken liver, ham... sorry the presentation was not good because i'm so hungry already. :)
And sometimes, if i'm not yet really full, i stop by at McDonalds to buy sausage mcmuffin and hash brown. Yeah, i know, i eat... a lot!
Check our what others are having for their breakfast.
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Wow, that's a BIG and heavy breakfast. It must set you up for the rest of the day!
That is a really hearty b'fast. Hopefully you don't stop at McD's after all that!
Wow. It looks great. And good enough to eat. What is danggit?
Like Sally that would set me up for the rest of the day.
Gosh this looks like dinner. I'm sure you're right though about it being the most important meal of the day.
abraham, danggit is small dried fish, fried till crunchy and it is really tasteful and delicious. :)
r&r, yeah after that meal,no need for mcD =)
Goodness, that's one massive breakfast!
un petit dejeuner pour tenir une semaine entiere ;o) comme Abraham, c'est quoi des "Danggit" ?
a breakfast to hold one week whole is ;O) like Abraham, it what of the “Danggit”?
I like small fish from the ocean and love to eat what we call Sardines packed in a can with mustard sauce. I never ate these danggit you described to me.
How interesting...I did not know what a danggit was either...I'm glad you answered Abe's question.
Never thought about rice for breakfast, but I love rice! Not sure what everything is you mentioned, but it is different!
Well, it looks like a dinner to me, too heavy for breakfast I guess. I am afraid that after have this breakfast I skip my lunch and maybe dinner. Very interesting post I might say.
That is a large breakfast!
Port Angeles Daily Photo
yihh nakakainis ka pusa.... nagutom tuloy ako ang sarap ng almusal mo....grrrrrrrrr.
oh, wow, that's a LOT of food! No veggies?
Wow, that's a BIG and heavy breakfast. It must set you up for the rest of the WEEK!
Can you have seconds?
A big and heavy breakfast for sure. I like my liver lightly breaded and pan-fried with onions and bacon...good for breakfast or any meal!!
Oooh, I miss that kind of breakfast!
dangit.... thats what I eat when Im home. And here in the US, when ever I get invited in a Filipino home I always request Dangit. You can never go wrong with Dangit. Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner. Oh, dont forget the vinegar. Sukang paombong....
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