sorry i've been getting lazy lately, no time to blog hop and respond to comments... i'm actually thinking if i should stop posting...

join me as i rediscover the beauty of manila through one photo a day
Please note that i am not a professional photographer. To those who are curious the camera i'm using is Canon Powershot A520.
UPDATE: a very kind soul gave me an ultra nice and spanking new Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS, last October 2008 which i have been using non-stop since then... Thanks again to the one and only Reyna Elena
UPDATE2: last 2009 i finally got myself a DSLR - Canon Rebel Xsi (Canon 450D) to be exact, and have been alternately using it with the PS from REynz
COPYRIGHT. i cant stop anyone from copying my photos, but if you are going to post it or use it in your blog or website please do link this blog or an attribution will do. thanks
Stop? You are doing OK aren't you. I mean you are not sick or anything like that I hope.
It is a lot of work. I admit that. To do it right and visit all people is a challenge. It is like taking a long walk. You do it for so long and it eventually gets to be tiresome and like a job. Finally it is easier to just quit, eat lots of sweets, make love or look for a new movie. Whatever. Maybe you need to just take a vacation or a break.
Anyway. I will be back to see how things turned out.
Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio.
Meow Pusa: I guess it's like being bitten by this bug and you just don't have the energy to write. It's not actually like a writer's block. It's more than that. Hope you get over this so you can go on meowing...:)
Please do NOT stop, slow if you must, but I look forward to your pictures.
take a break to refresh - just put the blog on hold for a while if need be - just don't ditch it all entirely.
Don't worry about not visiting others. People will still come to see you. Take a break or post less often. Refresh yourself, take photos and know your not going to blog them. Enjoy it and then one day a photo might leap out at you, screaming to be posted!
Keep on smiling, what ever you decide :)
What you are doing takes effort and discipline. Why don't you pace yourself. Post the photos
once a week and if you feel you're
just forcing yourself then it's time to list the pros and cons of
stopping the posting.
Don't! Your blog is a refreshing outlook on Manila. We need Pinoy bloggers like you! :)
Whoopie! You are still here. Thanks for that.
Have a nice weekend.
Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio.
That's what vacations do for me! I get too spoiled for my own good LOL. All of a sudden, I don't have the time and energy for anything...I just kept savoring the thought "how sweet it is to do nothing and rest afterwards" LOL. Not a good thought when you are still in the work force and a disaster when you are retired LOL.
Never quit.
I almost quitted when I didn't get time to go out with/without my toddler to take photos.
And after nearly 100 days, I realised my loss, and got back to MDS.
I am not in a great position to give advice as I'm not posting everyday (definitely) and I don't manage to visit other blogs everyday also! But I would support Marley...
Anyhow, thanks for your previous comments at Blogtrotter where I'm now strolling around Bilbao!
Have a great weekend!
Don't quit!
We like your photos!
My problem is I only have a dial-up and therefore unable to visit other sites more often because it'd practically take an entire day.
May I suggest taking a short break and then get back to blogging when ready once more :)
Don't stop. In fact i'm about to ask you if you've got Earth Hour shots? I've heard the dark Manila skyline looked amazing.
meow! ate pusa syo pla kinuha ng bayo.. yung tag neym nila.. awww!
I guess all bloggers got that feeling of "its enough, I want to quit".
I also want to stop regularly but then I still manage to go on and I am happy I didn't stop.
Take long blogging holidays when life gets to hectic... but please don't stop !
You have a nice blog and it would be a shame to stop now.
you have many friends online and i believe they are enough to inspire you inspire them...
:) take care
Please don't stop! I went to high school at a boarding school in Manila and seeing your photos bring back so many memories. When I get homesick I just sit and look at all your beautiful photos. Maybe take a break but please don't shut it down all together.
this is dramatic. many people will miss your posts. maybe lesser time for posting but not totally retiring from doing it.
Ang ganda naman nito? Paano ka nakakahuha ng ganitong shots ng hindi naa-underexpose?
Gosh. I had hoped a different picture was here. Oh well....
I like the photos you have posted.
Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio where you can see a tiny fly on a honey bee's wing.
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