Happy new year everyone! Starting off this year's theme day is "the best of" ... am not sure which one to pick but decided to use this photo of the "sunset lovers" (originally uploaded last 05 May 2007).
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You are a very special person to me and I really like almost all of your photography. This is a very nice photograph as well and well-chosen for this January theme day.
Thanks for all of your visits to my blog in 2007 and I hope and pray you have excellent health and are very happy all the days of your life but especially in this new year 2008.
Happy New Year from Patty and me.
Lovely photo, Pusa.
I wish you a very very Happy New Year!
Thank you for your early wishes on ArradonDP, Pusa. Happy New Year to you, bonne et heureuse année! What a beautiful atmosphere on this photo...
Good choice! Happy New Year from Sweden!
Such a beautifully composed photograph. Fabulous choise.
Happy New Year again Pusa.
ohh what a romantic moment:)
what a wonderful way to start the year! happy 2008
Lovely, lovely photo and so nice for photo of the year. Best to you in 2008, from Fort Lauderdale, FL!
je me souviens de cette photo, elle est très belle, très poétique et très romantique. très bon choix
I remember this picture, it is very beautiful, very poetic and very romantic. Very good choice
Happy New Year, hope your 2008 is everything you want it to be.
A stunning best of 2007 photo!
Wishing you all the best for a happy and safe new year
Hobart Daily
Bicheno Daily
an excellent choice for the theme
Nice color, very romantic.
Happy New Year from the frozen winter wonderland of Minneapolis!
May 2008 bring you good health & happiness,
- Mitch
Beautiful photo! I can see why you chose this one.
Happy New Year,
Gorgeous sunglow across the water. I like the people touch as well.
Happy New Year! I enjoy your pictures.
Great sunset.
Here's to a happy & phototastic 2008
I love this one, excellent choice (mind you you could have picked many other ones...). Bonne année de Paris et thank you for taking part in the City Daily Photo community.
Wonderful sunset with "les amoureux".
Happy New Year 2008 and long life to your blog !
Very evocative and an excellent choice, I think you have managed to avoid the cliche. Happy New Year
Perfect photo to bring in the new year. Wishing you a happy and safe 2008!
What a romantic choice! I love the colors. Thanks for visiting me in San Diego and best wishes for 2008!
Thoughtful choice, wonderful photograph! May you have a great New Year full with joy and happiness!
A simply beautiful photo!
Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Ah lovely Pusa, you have chosen an excellent photo for today. I know, it's hard, isn't it! I want to wish you a 2008 full of beautiful moments captured so beautifully. You bring us the flavor of the Philippines and make us love it, too. Thanks for being such a great City Daily Photo friend,
Seattle Daily Photo
It's a very delicate and tender photo. I ever thought that photos are mirror of photograph's soul...
a very Happy New Year Pusa !!!
This is a great photo!! Happy New Year! I liked your fireworks as well!
It's a wonderful choice - so peaceful!
Happy New Year to you and yours and here's to a wonderful 2008 for the Daily City Photo Blog community.
Jenny, Sharon (CT, USA) Daily Photo
Sunsets and lovers--couldn't be a better combination! Excellent choice for today. Cheers for 2008!!
The romance of this photo is stunning. Thank you for making it your selection.
beautiful shot and a lovely way to say goodbye to '07.
have a great year ahead :)
I really like the mood for this photo , awesome selection.
Happy New Years to you and yours in 2008!
Twin Cities Daily Photo
whouaaa !!!
i like a light and colors cheer
Happy new year
Great start to the new year, wonderful shot. Have a happy New Year.
Happy New Year Pusa
Wow! That IS a great photo! I'm glad you chose this one.
Have a fantastic 2008!
hey, thats really beautiful
have a gr8 yr ahead!
Mindless Mumbai
Beautiful and romantic photo. Nice capture, and I'm glad you chose this one to re-post.
Great choice!! Happy New Year from New York City!
Wonderful choice! Looking forward to more from Manila in the new year!
Heya Agnes! O di ba Pinoy na Pinoy ang photo! Good choice.
Sorry I wasn't able to visit your blog sooner. I was in transit the whole of yesterday. I am now back in Norwich after the most fantabulous time at home in Manila. Do swing by my other sites to leave your footprints behind. Read: lovely comments. :)
Happy New Year to you and everyone you hold dear!
I look forward to visiting your blog more often this 2008. And you're welcome to mine, too! For some reason, my link was not included for participating blogs for the 1st of January 2008.
The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo
Your Love Coach
I love this photo, it is so romantic.
Happy New Year!
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