1st day of the month and it only means one thing... the DP theme day. This month's theme is a view from my room. Check out other DP blogs participating:
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What are these small pieces of paper hung on the wires across the street ?
Happy DP theme !
surprenant, cela represente quoi toutes ces guirlandes ? une fete ?
je te souhaite un bon weekend
surprising, that represents what all these garlands? a festival? I wish you a good weekend
I love the moods of green.
Interesting lines with bits of paper.
Wouldn't it be different if you woke up in my house and looked out the bedroom window? My site shows what you would see.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
My Photography
I wanted to ask the same as pab:) What are those papers?
Yes, what are those papers doing outside the window?
Happy Theme Day!
nice plants, and nice green colors on the building across the street. but like everyone else, I'm curious about the pieces of paper...
Different! I like it.
The mystery paper will bring us all back tomorrow to read your reply to our comments. Very tricky.
Like Denton and everybody, I'll come back tomorrow, I want to have your answer!
I'm with everyone else -- wondering about...and enjoying the strings with paper flags! :)
What is this white pieces on lines?
oh mysterious shot!
Am slowing going through the list of site participating in the Theme Photo.
Cool photo. I read your June 2nd post and you mentioned the small piece of plastic are little flags for a festival. Is the festival coming soon?
I like your composition and strong graphics in this shot! Very attractive photo!
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